Child and Family Well Being Program
The Child and Family Well Being Program receives and investigates reports of child neglect, abuse, suspected human trafficking and missing/abducted children within the jurisdiction of the Navajo Nation.
How it Works
1. If You Suspect Child Abuse, Report It
Confidential reports of child neglect, abuse, suspected human trafficking and missing/abducted children within the jurisdiction of the Navajo Nation can be made in an Intake Report.
An Intake Report can be made online or to any DFS office:
Pertinent information regarding the child will be collected at the time of Intake Report which may include:
- Child’s Name
- Child’s age and date of birth if known
- Child’s contact information (location of home, school, etc.).
- Parent’s Name
- Parent’s contact information
- Allegation Report
Intakes are reviewed and may be assigned. All intakes are confidential.
2. Child Protective Services Investigations
Once an intake is assigned, Child Protective Services will:
- Investigate or find out child(ren)’s safety is at risk
- Provide intervention, if required
- Apply Family Preservation and Support Services for families when appropriate
- Assess or identify problems, gather facts and clarify the problems
- Plan and provide services, set goals, identify resources and timeframes
- Document the case and collect applicable information for eligibility
- Terminate the case or transfer it to another children’s case management
- CPS may collaborate with law enforcement and other applicable resources when appropriate
- Court Intervention may be initiated.
3. Family Conferencing/ Group Conferencing
A family conference/group conference is a process led by family members to make decisions about a plan to care for a child or youth at risk.
- Available per the family’s need.
- When children are removed from the home, family conferencing in mandatory.
Family conferences/ Group conferences are confidential.
4. Children’s Case Management
Case management begins when a case is assigned and involves working with families to create and monitor case plan goals to assist families in their progress toward achievement of permanency goals.
Case Management services may include:
- Case Staffing(s)
- Family Conferencing/Family Group Conferencing as needed
- Prepare case plan
- Identify and Referrals to appropriate services
- Identifying, completing and monitoring child placements
- Safely completing permanency goals including
- Reunification
- Guardianship
- Adoption
- Successful Adulthood
- Emancipation or remain with family
Our Children, Our Future
If you suspect child abuse or neglect, please contact any Navajo DFS field office or report it here: